Friday, January 28, 2011


Lizzy here,
Today I went to get a follow-up MRI to monitor the growth of a pituitary tumor I was diagnosed with 3 years ago. I managed to make it through the procedure, including the injection of contrast fluid without dying/passing out/puking on everyone. Life's okay! I should find out the results around Wednesday I believe, and I'll be sure to keep everyone posted. Best part of my morning? Dunkin Donuts. Hands down. Best Everything bagel in town. Just finished the donut I got this morning so I've officially conquered two meals with Dunkin is a success! 

In all honesty though, I need to appreciate the little things a whole lot more! I have amazing friends and I've met a bunch more great people since I decided to branch out. I have a couple girl friends that are ALWAYS there for me, absolutely always, even when I'm dating a guy I shouldn't be, they told me the truth but loved me when I ignored them. That says a lot about their love for me! I have some great guy friends who help me to realize that NOT all guys are the same and that I will find a prince charming one day and if I don't I'll be just fine. Life is looking alright right now :]

I played my first actual game of basketball the other night! Still have the bruises to show for it but I had the greatest time! it's certainly not easy haha! I'm sufficiently lacking some hand-eye coordination! Pretty sure I inherited that one! The fun was definitely worth all the bruises though, that's a pretty clear decision, I ball hard in the paint, what can I say?

I'm sorry this post was so incredibly boring. Everyday is a new day and I have to remind myself that I was created with a purpose and that I can't get caught up on sweating the small stuff, I'm taking it all one day at a time. I'm sure I'll have more dramatic and exciting things to blog about another day, for now it's chill. Hope you can say the same.


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